Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dinner @ Shi Ge, South Perth

Youtube of the day. Jason Mraz - Prettiest Friend

Today I went to Shi Ge Japanese Sushi Bar in South Perth with everyone for Donald's farewell.
He will be leaving Perth this Saturday for good. I rarely see him at home for the past few months due to his full hour of work from his 2 work place. So today is the best night to have dinner together somehow because he is off work early.

Anyway, he brought us to Shi Ge. Shi Ge is a very, extremely, super small shop that situated in a small alley way near IGA. It is very authentic and you actually need to book for a table before you go, or else you will end up sitting outside in the cold weather.

We really love this place. Nice little friendly restaurant with Japanese people around you.
They got a bar and you can see what's the chef doing clearly. Very interesting. This place is similar to Nao, it's like what Frances said, you can tell the restaurant is authentic or not by seeing a Japanese guy sitting at the bar for a looooooooooooonnnnggg time and chit chatting with the chef whenever the chef is free. The only different between Nao and Shi Ge is one is Specialty in Ramen and the other is sushi.

Look at the fresh cut sashimi...

We ordered quite alot today. I am actually still feeling very full while I'm writing this. I don't know why I always stuffed myself till so full and I know I shouldn't. Can't help it, too yummy.

This Fried Scallop with Butter is the best Scallop dish I have ever eaten in my life.
I have tried many many types of scallops dishes, steamed, fried, stir fry, grill, pan fried and half raw, but this is the best tasted scallop. I don't know how to explain the taste, but it has the FIRE flavor in it! It's not burnt or anything, still juicy but the FIRE taste.. is AWESOME!

This is the Fried Chicken with Garlic sauce.
Nothing really special for me after eating that scallops. :P
Not saying that is bad, but it's just not as good as the scallop hahaha.

A Large plate of Sashimi. So fresh~

A Large plate of sushi~

As for mains, we had the Large meal set. Comes with Salad and Rice.

Donald had the Tempura set

Frances had the Chilli Prawn and Squid set

I had the Teriyaki Beef Set

Aunt had the Teriyaki Salmon Set

Everything is sooo yum. Honestly..
of course the price is not cheap too.
But it's worth it. XD

Although I was soo full after eating those Jap food but somehow all of us ended up in Gelare...... =_=" Suddenly my stomach is not full anymore. #$&^%@ Then I started eating. again.

Shige Sushi Bar on Urbanspoon

I love Transformers. I love the song Nobody.

and they come in 1 package now :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

I am a Porn Photographer XD

I'm just kidding... I'm not okay.
Let me tell you the story. It goes like this.
I have asked Bo Young to be my model for my new batch of clothes and of course we need to mix and match some of the clothings to make the clothes look nicer. So she changed the clothes alot.

We were having fun taking photos and suddenly she wants me to take a photo of her.
Yea.. I'm already taking her photos alright.. but she wants photos with only a bra and a black pants with the just woke up look. Now that's HOT.

Honestly, Bo Young's body is HOT. Her looks is HOT too. She is like those the-girl-next-door and all the guy's dream girl. Long curly hair, hour glass body and big eyes.

Well, I thought to myself WHY NOT. Since I am interested in taking photos and I never take portraits before...

In just 1 minutes, I started setting up the bed and ask her to pose.
Snap! Snap! Snap!
I was actually having fun taking photos of her until she had to ask me to stop because she is tired of posing haha XD

I have only took probably 20 pics and she love 'em all. She chose 4 photos and I chose 1 photo to edit and make it HOTTER.
Too bad I can only post up the-not-so-"porn" ones.. or else I might get kick out from the www for being a Artistic Porn Photographer. HAHAHA

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Friend is DJ Layzr!

I have a good friend who lives in Malaysia who is a anime sucker, only likes kawaii girls, a full time 3D animator and he got a very interesting hobby - DJ-ing.

He has been doing it since 4 years ago and has won a couple of titles.
I'm always wondering why he wants to be a DJ. Never really ask him before too.

So I thought, why not have a chat with him (on MSN) without him knowing that I am actually interviewing him? Since he's in some of the magazines and competitions, I'm pretty sure he is quite good at what his doing :P

So, the interview goes like this. (pardon the Manglish)

Me: Hey! wanna ask you some questions. When did you start Djing?
DJ Layzr : uhh... somewhere around 4 years ago. You wanna hire DJ?

Me: nah.. just why you wanna be DJ?
DJ: out of hobby hehe love o music and also.. DJs get free booze and can take pictures with leng lui (beautiful ladies) kidding lar..

Me: WTF...-_-
DJ: Mainly as hobby, hobby+music=good combination

Me: Have you ever DJ in the club or just for competitions?
DJ: Competitions comes 1st, then small clubs and events. I'm not taking DJ as a career choice for now, maybe If one day I'm a DJ world champion, that will be a different story. :)

Me: How many competitions you have been to and what title did you won?
DJ: Been competing for 3 years. Titles that I got is the Pioneer Digital DJ Battle Malaysia Champion 2007, Malaysia DJ Battle Championship 208, DMC Malaysia 1st runner-up 2008 and some other small potato titles. XD

Me: What fascinates you to become a DJ?
DJ: Turntablism skill and super fast lighting hands only scratch DJs possess.

Me: How do you rank yourself from 1 to 10?
DJ: 11

Me: funny...-_- haha. Btw, you work full time, go out with friends, play computer games til midnight. So, where did you get the time to practice your skills and for competitions?
DJ: Some of my friends are DJs too! We have DJ jamming session, and for my band as well. If you have the passion, you will always find time to do wwhat you always enjoy doing.

Me: What is your 1st DJ set and which DJ set that you are using now? (how did you get them?)
DJ: 1 turntable set (Technics 1210(x2) and a Pioneer DJM707 scratch mixer which I borrow money from my mom to get them. :P Then later I got the CDJ set Pioneer CDJ800MK2(x2) and Pioneer DJM800 4 channel-mixer which I won from Pioneer digital DJ Battle and won 1 or 2 DJ headphones here and there.

Me: Nice! Have you return your mum the money yet?
DJ: Not yet hehe mum not in need of money :P

Me: -_- right.... so what did you gain from this?
DJ: Self content.

Me: Okok last one. What is your favourite food and where can you get it? The food that you want it soooo much even you are going to die!
DJ: !!!...... Mum's cooking! T_T die die also must eat! even in hospital bed!!!

Thats the casual interview that I had with him this morning and it was great fun. I did sensored alot of the casual swearing and cut out the crapz we are talking about to make the interview look more decent haha

Click the video below to listen to his fantastic work!

Or download the full version here. It's awesome.
Need a DJ for a Party anyone? :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Azure & Two Bucks Til Wednesday

Today is the Two Bucks Til Wednesday Day.
What am I talking about? TBTW is a Fundraiser event that collect and sell all the best vintage treats they can get, and after selling them, all the money will go to the Australian Cancer Research Foundation. Nice right?

I was so excited to go there and see how they run the event and actually, my main reason to be there was to see how many people actually line up just for the TBTW event that held quarterly.
It was so successful, the queue was longer than I expected when I got there at 1.30pm. The door opened at 2pm. Can you imagine how long those people have been seating there in the park for? It's amazing.

I didn't queue up. I thought maybe I can come back later after having a cup of tea at the cafe nearby.

I've been always wanted to go to Azure at Mt Hawthorn because of the yummy looking cakes and finally I went there for lunch today. (I know, I should be drinking tea and not having lunch. :P but wat the heck right, must try the food there to see if it's any good hehe)
Azure's interior is awesome. Cakes are awesome too. Anyway this is what me and Bo Young had.

Bo Young ordered the Lime Peel Swordfish.
Lightly pan fried with a crushed wild olive, tomato and caper gremolata. Salad of rocket, black olive powder and caramelised fennel.
The fish was nicely done. Flavour is awesome. 1 thing though, left side of the fish taste a bit off. Not really bad, but just feel weird how can a fish taste differently from side to side haha.

I ordered the Green Mango & Tiger Prawn Salad
Southern Vietnamese salad with steamed tiger prawns, shredded green mangos, papaya and torn Asian herbs with roasted peanuts and nuoc cham dressing.
As for the Prawn salad, it's a bit dissapointing, they didn't put enough mango so I can hardly taste it, and the salad tasted a bit bland. I had to grab the lemon from the fish dish and sqeeze abit of lemon juice into the salad... but everything is fresh though.

The reason that I want to go there is because of the wide selection of delicious looking daily baked cakes and desserts. It was awesome. I had to have some although I'm full. Guess what did I order for myself?

A Tasting Plate!

It was soooooooo freaking nice!!!! Usually I can't finish the dessert by myself because of the sweetness. But this! This!! OMG is so NICEEEEEE!!! Every spoon that I had is heavenly yummy. Seriously. I'm not a sweet fan but I finish this! NO REGRET! I rather run 10 rounds than not eating this. The Pistacio creme brulee, poached pear in red wine, berries panacota... so damn nice... Please try this if you go there. A must!

Bo Young had Mocha while I'm eating my Tasting plate. hehe.. Don't care.

After the yummy lunch, we head back to TBTW. Just 5 minutes walk from Azure.

When we got there... I see empty tables and racks.

Everything SOLD. How awesome! Obviously I didn't get anything because nothing there anymore. Maybe next time. hehehe.. Happy for them that they sold out like 90% of the vintage clothing because TBTW is helping the ACRF. I hope Perth will have more events like this to help the organizations and foundations. It's awesome guys.

I had a FULLfilling day on a relaxing sunny Saturday afternoon (because I got no jap class hehe2 weeks hol! yay! ).

Azure on Urbanspoon

I'm Crazy

As usual, wake up early morning, sit on my bed for few minutes, go and pee, come back to my room and open my laptop, check my facebook, mails and see what's Ozsale is selling today.

I open up my gmail, click on inbox and saw this!

OMG! Are they selling Burberry???
You kidding me right?? I'm waiting for this moment for so long and finally come!!!
It's Burberry, come on! But, Burberry Maclaren, is that new one? like Burberry Blue?? Is that for men? Oh what the dut, I wanna see what they have!!! Dresses?? Accessories?? Bags??
I was so excited til I open the Ozsale website and see this.

Err..... Stroller?? Burberry STROLLER?!!? NO DUT-ING WAY!
Where's my Burberry Dresses? Accessories?? Where is the button to click it?? NOOOOOOOOO....

But I look at it again, oh? Burberry stroller ey....? A luxury strolley for baby to drool on. Nice! Anybody wants it? Any babies love Burberry like I do? hehehe.. it's only AUD444! Good deal! Original price is AUD1200.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Dinner @ Walter's River Cafe, Bicton

Joe's family, Bo Young & I went to Walter's River Cafe for dinner today.
Joe booked a table for 5 and we were all there finally. The restaurant was romantically lit with candles and yellow lights. It made the whole restaurant very romantic and cosy. 10 point extra for the restaurant because it is located next to the river. Excellent view and can have a romantic and relaxing walk after that during warmer days. ^_^

Walter's River Cafe usually only open for breakfast and lunch, but the managements wants the Cafe to have the fine dining experience for the customers rather than burger and fish and chips cafe. But now, Walter's River Cafe opened for dinner on Fridays and Saturdays. Which is awesome. The atmosphere was totally different from the day time. Nice and peaceful.

I've only been there 1 time for breakfast and 2 times for lunch, the menu changes every season and yummier. I can tell the chef really did put a lot of effort on the food and quality is definitely awesome.

The picture above was the tasting plate. It's HUGE. Well, of course it was because Joe was there! We get the special treat! ^_^ The tasting plate was awesome. Everything was delicious! We got Fish fritters, squids, spring rolls, haloumi fritters, samosas, mussels, with 3 different kinds of dips, Garlic Bread and Sourdough as well. Gosh.. we were feeling a bit full after eating those.

Here comes the mains..
I got the Duck with noodles and veges

Joe's mom got the Fish

Bo Young's Chicken Confit - Recommended

Frances's Pasta with prawn and scallops

Joe's Steak with hand cut chips.

Have to say, everything was perfectly done. No complains about it. I enjoyed the food a lot.
I just wish I can have the creme brulee for dessert after the mains.. but everybody already had enough and too full. If I can have the creme brulee now, that will be awesome! I just feel something is missing now.. the task is not completed yet.

Food is really bad for me. The worse thing that god gave me was being a food lover and being fat easily at the same time. How unlucky. >_<

Dec 2011
Update : They have change the management, food might be different now.

Walter's River Cafe on Urbanspoon

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Restaurant style Dinner

Joe's day off today and he cooked a whole feast of dinner at home! 0_0"

Salt and Chili Soft Shell Crab

Steamed Prawn

Stir fry Cabbage with carrots

Stew Belly pork - Joe's recipe.

Fail d.. no more diet for me. >_<
Food is more important right?

Monday, September 21, 2009

My homemade Tiramisu - In a cup!

My experimental tiramisu in a cup. Hopefully it's nice :P


Tried it after I leave it overnight in the fridge. I decorated it with some frozen berries. It's good to go with frozen berries for the refreshing taste.
I think the taste in the biscuit is not coffee-y enough, need to soak the biscuit abit longer for more flavour.

Suddenly I have this idea of making cakes in cups! Not cupcakes. But cake in a cup! Any flavour.
What do you think?? The second cake that I want to try will be Black Forrest & cream in a cup! or maybe Lemon & cream cake?

The reason why I want to make it in a cup is, easy to carry, nonit to cut, look cute and easy to give to people. Wonder if I can do it.. I will probably end up buying all sorts of ingredient and waste tons of money hahaha.. but I really wanna try it :P