Sunday, November 20, 2011

DIY box

I was having a massive rearrange and clean up in my room just then and found whole lot of things that I didn't see for a long time! haha

I'm a "stuff" collector. Yeap, I collect everything and anything that I like. That includes wrapping papers. I got a whole heap of them and I just chuck it at the corner of my room. Slowly it became crumple and doesn't look nice at all.

So today, I decided to get it organise! I walk around the house to look for a box or container to fit all my roll of papers in. Then I saw the Pepsi box in the recycling box. (Don't worry, it's not from the recycling bin :P )

Good! Now I can use the vintage looking PVC self adhesive film that I bought from Bunnings months ago on this Pepsi Box!

It only took me a few minutes to do it. The PVC self adhesive is so easy to use! Easily peel off too when you need a quick adjustment while sticking it.

Added a yellow ribbon to prettify it!

My beautiful rolls of paper now have a home :)


L said...

Good on ya! recycle reuse ..reduce?
It looks pretty! :)

Jo Serwey said...

Thanks L! :D