Monday, June 18, 2012

Mount Kota Kinabalu Climb

Hello!! Long time no see! Yes, I have been away.. quite far and high actually!
Some of you may already know where I have been if you follow my facebook page or Instagram (@myweyoflife)...

For some of you that don't know, I actually went to Mount Kota Kinabalu to torture myself! 0_0

Honestly, climbing that mountain was hard.. tiring.. fun.. crazy.. and painnnnnnnnnnnn......

Climbing a four thousand meter high mountain is no joke.

Mount KK

First day arrival was pretty easy peasy.. enjoying walking around, have some nice buffet dinner, chit chatting with friends...

Dinner Place where we stay for the first night

Then Day 2... here comes the pain.. 
9am Climb: 6-8 hours climb to Laban Rata where you rest, eat and sleep.
Depending on your stamina and speed.

Ready for the climb

Our very strong Porter that carries 60kg of our bags! 1kg=RM10

I think about 3 hours climb later.. I have told my friends that I wanna pay the porter to carry me up every 30 minutes. My friends ignored me.. of course..
I have took 8 hours to reach Laban Rata. Can you imagine actually took 1 hour to climb 1km? Seems easy when you hear 1km.. but think again.. it's going UPWARDS.. +_+

My Pass

Lunch for the climb
Probably somewhere around 6-7km

When I'm finally at Laban Rata, my body immediately go towards somewhere to sit and refuse to get up! I was really tired!! Luckily Joe was there..he took some food for me. He reached Laban Rata 2 hours before me.

Laban Rata Rest House

 I think about 7pm, we pack some essentials for the next day climb and slept at 9pm. (We couldn't sleep at all actually because of the noise people make at the place that we staying.)

Woke up at 1am, have breakfast and climb for 3-4hours to the peak. It was the most amazing, most dangerous & most tiring shit I've ever done in my life! The rocks were slippery, the path was dangerous, the steps are high and it was dark!

Prepare for the peak!

But I'm glad I made it. Thanks to our porter, he basically encouraged us (me and my other 2 friends) to go up and actually hold our hands and walk with us, so that we have to go up!






Eating Choc Bar at the peak. Too hungry.

Felt really good actually to know that I can actually climb that high! Having said that.. a minute later feeling really awesome.. I'm worried about how am I going back down!!!

Going down is another nightmare. 3 hours if your toes and knees not hurt. 5 hours if you toes and knees are F up. My mama toe nail has gone black and it's a whole big toe nail I'm talking about! It was the most painful experience. I had to use every other part of my body muscle while going down just to avoid my toe being knocked to my shoe! Worst part? It was raining heavily... gosh.. I was soaking wet.  So now I will have a full black toe nail following me for at least 6 months.. how pretty.

It was absolutely a beautiful experience despite the after effect - 4 days muscle ache.

Thanks guys! This will be one of my life story to tell when I'm old :)

For those who are thinking of going.. PLEASE GO! You will regret when you are climbing but you will feel very proud of yourself after the climb. SO DO IT! At least once in your life! :D

What to bring for the climb:
-A winter jacket that is waterproof and windproof
(or a fleece jacket and a waterproof windproof jacket)
- Hiking pants 2
- some chocolate bars
- water
- hiking shoes (sports shoes abit too slippery)
- headlight
- socks
- face towel for sweat
- Disposable raincoat
- Dexmethsone - take before the climb to help breathing and stop nausea.
- RM20 to dry your shoes at Laban Rata Rest House before 6pm.
- Camera
- Beanie
- Ziplock bags to protect your stuff from rain.

Photos courtesy of Ivy and Kenny.

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