Friday, June 22, 2012

One Year Old Baby's Cake

Last week I did a cake for one of my reader/ foodblogger. I have done quite a few cakes for my friends and family but this is my first request from someone that I don't know. hehe Thanks Sandy for being my first customer! :P Check out her food blog here!

I love making pretty cakes because I get to share what I like to do with people and I get to make what they like! :D

Anyway, Sandy emailed me and asked if I can make a cake for her niece's 1 year old birthday! I was thrilled and I said yes! She sent me a picture of her niece's favourite toys, which is a white Forever Friends Teddy and a yellow rubber ducky! OMG so cute and FLUFFY!!!

It was great fun thinking of ideas on how to decorate the cake and although it is a very very long process but I am totally loving it!

This is the outcome of the cake!
2 tiered pink cake!

 I love Forever Friends Bear.. They just look sooooo cute with that sleepy eyes.. haha

I made some blocks for her name too.

Good thing is they can to keep the teddy and ducky instead of noming or throwing them away! They can be stored in a cool dry place for at least .....well.. however long it last! :D
Something for remembrance at least :)

I hope they enjoyed the cake!


Anonymous said...

Hihi, love your cake:), would I be able to order one from you for friend's daughter's birthday?

Jo Serwey said...

Hi Anonymous!

please email me at and let me know more about it :)

Sandy @ Hungry Again said...

hard to believe i am your first customer with all the cakes i see you make!
thanks jo. we are still chugging through the cake!

Jo Serwey said...

haha first for the big cake! Wow.. you still have the cake?!

Sandy @ Hungry Again said...

yea omg still trying to get thru it. i hope its actually ok to eat after a whole week ... LOL :/

Jo Serwey said...

oh gosh!! I don't think it's a good idea! it has been 2 weeks isn't it? Although I uses fresh ingredient, but I don't think you should be eating it after 2 weeks! lol