Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Penguin Cake for Joe's Mum!

Straight after coming back from my Malaysia Trip, I have been non stop making cakes! I work on cakes almost every night and that is why I haven't been blogging.
I enjoy the process of it! It almost feel like I'm meditating!
No one disturbs me, nice chilly weather and have Christmas music on..
(Yes Christmas songs! :P  I listened to Christmas songs everytime I'm making cake decorations.. makes me happy and relax for some reason! haha)

Anyway, one of the cake that I made last week was for Joe's mum! She lovesssss penguins so I thought I will make her a penguin theme cake!

and There she is! I made a penguin her haha standing on top of the igloo!

This is how the cake looks like. :)

I have Frances, Joe and me at the bottom! One is fishing, another one is bbq-ing the fish and the one in the middle just standing at the entrance wishing happy birthday!

Making this cake is so much fun! I had to hide in the room making all these so Joe's mum don't see it!

Other than the cake, Joe cooked some delicious food too for the night!
Roast chicken, haloumi and vegetable fritters, mushroom soup with drizzle of truffle oil~ and some grilled asparagus.

It was nice to surprise her and have a nice homecooked meal at home.
Happy Birthday Aunty! Stay fit and strong!


sandy said...


Jo Serwey said...