Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mia's 2nd Birthday Party

Just went to Dan & Elisha's house to celebrate Mia's 2nd Birthday. It's a Thomas and Friends Themed Party! Look at the cake! Isn't it the cutest? I want a cake like this on my birthday! I want a camera cake! hint hint*

It is my first time attending a children's birthday party here and it was cute and fun!
Children running around, playing in the cubby house and playing games. Everyone there so lovely and friendly. I pretty proud of myself because I talked more than usual! Although there were some hiccups in between. ops!
and the lunch was really nice and yummy! I ate so much! There were Chickens, potato, lasagna, salads, beef, snacks and so much more!

Can't resist a beautiful cupcake! Nom nom nom
I enjoyed myself today at the party, speaking to Elisha's dad about cameras, lenses, technics and so on. He is very knowledgeable! I met one of Elisha's uncle, and we talked about camera too! He is a Nikon user but he thought of changing his camera to Canon now. hehehe Canon is no doubt the best camera! Honestly, there's some point I don't understand what they were talking about but I think if I can understand 70% of it, that's pretty good! A big pat to myself hahaha!

Mia is 2 years old today but I have a feeling that she didn't know that. hahaha.. When we sing happy birthday song to her, she was staring at us with a blank look! She must be thinking, why is this bunch of people singing birthday song suddenly... -_-

I think she enjoyed herself. hehe She have a lot of pressies to open after we left. She will be overwhelmed by it.

When Joe and I heading off, Dan asked if I want a lil kiddo gift from them. Haha.. for a person who loves presents.. of course I said yes! I'm a kid! Right!? hehehe
I love presents~ I love celebrations~ it always make people smile~

Happy birthday to the cute lil Mia!

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