Monday, December 31, 2012

Round up for 2012

Few more hours to go!
Welcoming 2013 and it will be an awesome year! Agree? :D

So, what did I do in 2012?? I think I have quite a balance in this year.. Working and doing what I like!

I definitely have lots of birthday parties! At least one or two birthdays each month! I think we are running out of themes! haha

Below are our first birthday party for our January boy. We did a group painting of him and look how serious they were! I was really surprised!

First time made my own Yee Sang. So FRESH!

I had my 30th birthday in KL with my girls! It's has been a long time since I last celebrated my birthday in Malaysia.. It was memorable.

Then continue my birthday celebration in Singapore..

and last party in Perth!  Honestly a big one! :D

My workmates put my face on the paper!!! Good job girls!

Finally owned a Kitchen Aid. It's a birthday gift from my cousin!

Yep! Says it all. Damn.. 31 next year.. 

Made a beautiful set of picnic hamper for a friend's friend. 

First time celebrated Christmas in July and made this awesome Diablo birthday cake for my boy.

Joe got me a whole tea set. He knows I'm obsess with tea sets.

Went to see Mary Poppins. Best Show Ever!

Watched the most amazing game on TV.

Bought a whole lot of Toy food (edible) and made my friends to play with me. hahaha

Burger set is the best! Taste and looks.

Saw Heston in person.

Climbed the freaking Mount Kota Kinabalu. Can't walk properly for the whole week.
It was the most amazing thing I've done ever.

Finally found Chocolate that I love the most. It's not just Chocolate, it's art.

Seen the most ridiculous thing ever.

In love with Epic Meal Time and got ourselves the T shirts :P

Played Yu Ha Hai (Fish Prawn Crab) for the first time.

Seen the full rainbow twice. (I saw double rainbow too!)

My friend got me the oldest antique phone that she found while she was on a holiday. It was quite a heavy phone and it is still working!!!

Got myself a antique Ukelele in a bargain! 

First time enter Perth Royal Show Cake competition. I didn't win, but got Highly commended. I will try again next year.

Sis visited Perth in Oct for 2 weeks. Brought her around and had lots of good food! :D

Finally been to the Gnomesville.
It was a bit hard to find.. (blame the GPS) and it was a bit scary..  It feels like it was from the horror movie.. imagine there were thousands of different looking gnomes in the big garden...
Don't think I will ever go back there again..

Been to Japan at last. It was my high school dream.
One word. AMAZING.

had the most expensive melon, the juiciest pear, most plump strawberry and the grapes.. omg.. it's like grape juice wrapped with grape skin! Unbelievable!

Won all this with just 2000yen. I am the goddess of claw machine! Muahahahah!

Went to Gold Coast and adopted these babies. :D

Celebrated my 4th Year anniversary for my blog and had a hippo cake giveaway!
Thank you so much for your support, my readers!!

I have made around 40 cakes this year. The most recent one is this Snow Globe Christmas fruit cake.
For a person who just started this hobby as a cake decorator this year, I am honoured to be asked to make cakes from my readers! You give me passion, trust and happiness! Thank you!!!

Made plenty of macarons too... especially Durian Macarons and Salted Caramel flavour. It was the best! During Christmas period, I had to make 400 shells in one go! Of course I was panic! With this kinda summer heat.. I was lucky that the macarons turned out good!

Celebrated Christmas with family and friends at home. 
Had the most amazing christmas present! I got a ipad mini, my favourite Samsung galaxy camera (I will write a review on that), a Phillippa Sibley cookbook, hair curler, and many more!! Thank you so much for the lovely gifts! I'm spoiled!

Thank you for all your kind words my friends!

These were just a part of it.. I think I will look for it from my emails, facebook, twitter and blog again. hopefully I can find them and post it up. :)

and thank you for sharing your food !!! They were yummmmmm :)

I hope everyone enjoy the last few hours of 2012 and let's welcome 2013!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!! Thank youuuu!!!!


Stella said...

Sounds like you had a great year!! Your cakes are adorable. Happy New Years! xo

Work SEO said...

Buy fabulous hair straightener brush and iron has well and truly landed and is becoming immensely popular.