Sunday, June 21, 2009


First attempt 2007 - Taste like water
Second attempt 2008 - Taste like water still.....
Third attempt 2008 - Too sweet
Fourth attempt 2009 - Taste like Dog
Fifth attempt 2009 - Taste better

I wonder when I can make it taste like a GOOD SOUP like my mom's?!


ching∞ said...

what soup did you try? a lot of times soup needs TIME to bring out the taste.. which means the easiest is to use a slow cooker.

also, use bones to boil soup.. yummy!

Jo Serwey said...

i did haha
it's my skill! :P

Franky said...

how can soup taste like dog?

Jo Serwey said...

yea... thats why i wonder...
even joe agrees it taste and smell like dog.. -_- geng rite.

ching∞ said...

eeww.. the soup must be... HORRIBLE.