Monday, May 3, 2010

Silliest Moment

As usual, after shower I will use my hair dryer to blow dry my hair really roughly with just using my hand. I was just anyhow blowing my hair going round and round with the dryer then suddenly my hair got STUCKED!! IN MY HAIR DRYER!!! >_<

My hair got sucked into the dryer and started twisting! 0_0"
I quickly turn it off and can't see anything because my hair was covering my face. Then I looked carefully to my hair and hair dryer, trying to pull out my hair! Gosh, it's really stuck!

I had to cut a bit of my hair off for sure or else I will be going to bed and going to work with a hair dryer on my head. That will be very Lady Gaga. I probably can style it. hmm...

Well, the silliest part is not because of my hair got sucked into the hair dryer...

It's the part where I actually trying to reach my camera first rather than a pair SCISSORS!!!! FML.


Alisa said...

oh no,how awful to have your hair stuck like that,but I have to admit I couldnt help but laugh that you took a pic of it first before trying to free your hair :)

Jo Serwey said...

ahahaha silly me :P