Dong Bo Rou
He Lurves cooking.. and alllllwaaaayyyysss says that he is a better cook than me. Well, i agree, cuz he dares to explore, and chuck everything in!!! ( thats wat he does last time, but after my nagging, He is WELL TRAINED CHEF ) hahahahaha
Tomyum Chicken
He took the whole day .. erm.. maybe not.. well, he started cooking since 1pm.. because need to do marinations, boiling, frying, steaming ( just the dong po rou). That dish is a killer! but hey, taste sooooo good.
Sambal Prawn
He even make the sambal himself! and its spicy! yum! Hope he cooks everyday.. so i can just EAT AND ENJOY ahhahahaha
aiyer, tak habis-habis cakap pasal Joe.. make sure he comes here and cook for us! watashi wa tabetai ne!
i din tok bout joe alot la... hahaha i got say ME indirectly too ahhahaha din get it from the blog rite ahahah
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