Sunday, January 2, 2011

Joe's Fishes

Joe went to deep sea fishing with his mates this morning and caught some fishes that I have never seen or eaten before!

The King George Whiting!
Good for fish and chips, but this one is a bit small :P

The Garfish! At first I thought it was swordfish!

and Squid!!!! So cute! I like their big eyes! Until Joe shows me something really amazing...
Maybe you have know this before already but I took a video of it just in case somebody doesn't know this!

The spots are blinking! Joe told me this is how squid communicate. I wonder if they got certain code for this.. I start to feel afraid to eat them.. the codes are probably mean "sob sob, my life is going to end now..."

But damn cool wei...


ching∞ said...

jiooorrr very cool indeed!!

rumtum tigger said...

that is cool! never knew that before!
but i hate cleaning the insides of fish.. eww!

ching∞ said...

eh my colleague asked how they mate? :p

Jo Serwey said...

here's the super long answer.