Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Insect Biscuits

Hello everyone! What are you having for lunch or dinner tonight?
Something healthy maybe?

I had something healthy and sustainable lil snack yesterday and really high in protein and less fat too!

I think you are going to love it too :)

On the menu yesterday:

Lemon and Garlic Roasted Cricket

Moroccan Spiced Meal Worms

White and Milk Chocolate coated Crickets and Meal Worms

Biscuits with Meal Worms meal.

Hahahahah!! Are you fainting soon??
Well, I really ate those yesterday!!! My cousin Leen brought it home for me from Scitech to let me try! I was sooooooooooo afraid but really can't wait to eat it! It's just really weird to even touch it!
Leen had to push me to put it in my mouth! It's not that bad at all really! It's crunchy and crispy.
It's just the fact that it's insects that makes me don't wanna eat it.

But do you know...
-most edible insects are between 30-85% high quality proteins?

-Per 100g Crickets provide a similar amount of protein as eggs, but are much lower in fat.

-Per 100g small grass hoppers contain a similar amount of protein as ground beef but with 1/4 the fat.

-Meal worms contain twice as much protein per 100g as ground beef, with a similar amount of fat, however this is mostly unsaturated (healthier) fats compared to the saturated fats found in beef.

-Insects manufacture antibiotic substances in thier exo-skeleton that prevent the existence of any dangerous micro-organisms.

Before I put the cricket in my mouth.. I took a closer look at it...

Please don't eat me~~~!!

He prayed!!!!! How can I eat him when he look like this!!???

I put him down and ate his friend instead :P


Oh, please don't go and pick up bugs in the bush n start eating them. U only can have them if the bugs are well cleaned by the professional ok!! Don't come n find me if u got health problem after eating it! Especially kids!! Don't eat them without permission :p


ching∞ said...

wah looks really YUUUUUMMMMMYYYYY! i would love to see Leen putting a handful inside her mouth :p

Jo Serwey said...

heheheeh i think she can :P

Asifur Rahman said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I say, it's not for the faint of heart - but according to Pumba in the Lion King, "slimy but satisfying." There are indeed a lot of prejudices about eating insects but this might be cultural in nature, don't you think? Asians are more "open" to these delicacies, that's why when I went to Hong Kong, there's a myriad of tasty insect treats to choose from. When you're out on the woods, got lost and is hoping to survive, learning beforehand what insects are edible can save your life. For more information, here's a great link http://backpackingmastery.com/food/edible-insects-survival-food.html

Unknown said...

This is just amazing, insects can be that nutritious. I think all the recipes will work just fine for me. Together with my fiancée, we are planning a backyard picnic, and I think the lemon garlic roasted cricket will be a good recipe to start with. What a day it will be for us! I also found numerous edible insects from the following post: http://survival-mastery.com/diy/food_prep/edible-insects.html