Sunday, July 18, 2010

[Photog] A Day with my SLR friends

Yesterday was quite an interesting day for me. Me and a couple of friends who got SLRs went for a lil photo shoot around Perth. I borrowed Frances' SLR to go to this experimental day.

There were 4 of us, lugging the SLRs around our neck looking like Pro (but we are all beginners hehe) walking around at the Handcraft Market, Perth City and Kings Park.

Within these 3 places, I struggled to take some decent photos at the 1st destination, which is at the Handcraft Market. But the best place for me was Kings Park.

For some reason, I can't handle the SLR I wanted to and during that time, I started to question myself if I'm really into taking photos or even good at it. I have never been to photography courses before and never owned a SLR (plus I never remember anything that I have learnt). That time it got me thinking, am I a person who just loves taking photos of everything or a person who's good in creating good photos.

I did give up at one stage when I fail to achieve the effect that I wanted while taking the photo. I was quite disappointed at myself and I suddenly thought of giving up on getting an SLR myself.

Not sure if I will regret for not getting an SLR one day though...I know it's not very expensive but to get good photos, you will need to invest on good lens which cost a bomb. I hate this kind of feeling! You know how its like when you want something so badly when saw it in shopping mall but because it's expensive then you start thinking if you should really get it? Usually people will get it after a few hours or even weeks of thinking it. For my case, it's been nearly 2 years. But right after I got some money, I pull back my thoughts on getting it. Which is making me insane!!!!

It's crazy man.. just a camera... already make my thinking cap burnt to ashes.

By the way, the slideshow below is just some of the photos that it's good enough for me to keep after a whole day of photo shooting. Tell me what do you think? Is it worth it to invest my money on getting a SLR for myself? Should I continue my dream?

The highlight for me was I am able to achieve the light flare effect on the photo! I know it's not perfect but I think I will work on that more!

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